Analysis Corner
Seminar Series for Biologists utilizing SoftGenetics Tools for genetic analysis.
- Mutation Surveyor Introductory Overview
- Working With Your Mutation Surveyor Project in the Graphical Analysis Display Part I: GAD Basics
- Working With Your Mutation Surveyor Project in the Graphical Analysis Display Part II: Getting to know the Sample Traces Pane
- Working With Your Mutation Surveyor Project in the Graphical Analysis Display Part III: Editing in the GAD
- Het_Indel Detection Part 1
- Het_Indel Detection Part 2
- Reviewing and Editing Data-Part 1
- Reviewing and Editing Data-Part 2
- Custom Report Options
- Analysis and Reporting of Delins Variants
- Quality Values in Mutation Surveyor Software
- Optimizing Analysis Settings Part 1
- Optimizing Analysis Settings Part 2
- Creating Custom Settings Files
- Utilizing Amplicon IDs for Grouping of Complex and Overlapping Regions
- Low Fequency Variant Detection
- Mitochondria Analysis with Mutation Surveyor software
- Methylation Sequence Analysis Using Mutation Surveyor Software
- Mutation Quantification with Mutation Surveyor software
- Mutation Surveyor AutoRun Tool
- Application of Annotation from External Databases to Mutation Surveyor Projects
- Creating a User Knowledge Database of Known Artifacts and False Positives
- Reference Assembly with Mutation Surveyor software
- Downloading GenBank Reference Files for Mutation Surveyor software
- Creating ROI and Editing GenBank Files
- Gene Transcript Selection in Mutation Surveyor Software
- Reference & Track Manager Tool
NextGENe 2nd generation sequence analysis
- Creating Sequence Alignment Projects
- Creating Projects with the NextGENe Software AutoRun Tool
- NextGENe Viewer Reports
- NextGENe Automatic Import to Geneticist Assistant
- Family and Rare Disease Analysis with the Variant Comparison Tool of NextGENe software
- Structural Variation Detection
- Automated & Custom reporting of NGS Analysis with NextGENe® Software
- Analysis of Raindance Thunderbolts Panel Data with NextGENe Software
- Mutation Detection and CNV Analysis for Illumina Sequencing Data from HaloPlex™ Target Enrichment Panel
- Target Capture Analysis with NextGENe Part 1
- Target Capture Analysis with NextGENe Part 2
- Target Capture Analysis with NextGENe Part 3
- Analyzing Ion Torrent AmpliSeq Data with NextGENe Software
- IonPGM Torrent data processing
- CNV Algorithm: Dispersion and HMM
- CNV Detection using Ion AmpliSeq™ panels or the HaloPlex™ Target Enrichment System Targeted Sequencing Data with NextGENe® Software
- NextGENe Batch CNV tool
- Somatic Mutation Analysis with NextGENe® Software
- RNA-Seq Analysis using NextGENe Software
- HLA Analysis with NextGENe Software
- NextGENe Stepwise Assembly of MiSeq PE Data
- Floton Assembly of Ion PGM Data
- Reference & Track Manager Tool
- GeneMarker Basics for Biologists
- Creating Custom Panels with GeneMarker
- MLPA® Application
- Aneuploidy/Trisomy Analysis with GeneMarker software
- Relationship Testing and Cluster Analysis
- Microsatellite Analysis Tools with GeneMarker Part 1
- Microsatellite Analysis Tools with GeneMarker Part 2
- Merging two or more multiplexes for greater resolution of dendrogram
- Fragile X Analysis Using GeneMarker
- Calibrating Panels in GeneMarker®
- Repeat Expansion Analysis in GeneMarker®