GeneMarker®MTP software provides the analysis power of six GeneMarker programs; reducing costs while increasing efficiency of DNA fragment analysis. The automated import and assignment of analysis parameters (templates) is intuitive, reducing complexity and analysis time. GeneMarker MTP maximizes the utility of a CE plate - include up to 6 different chemistries on the same plate.
Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Chemistry Kits…..All Major Genotyping Applications!
GeneMarker MTP software is rapid - processing six 96 well CE plates in approximately 30 seconds. Linked post-genotyping applications include: MLPA®, MS-MLPA®, Trisomy/Aneuploidy, Cystic Fibrosis, Fragile X. LOH, MSI, STR Haplotype, ARMS®, SNaPShot® SNPs, AFLP, T-RFLP, Dendrogram Cluster Analysis, Relationship Testing, Database search, TILLING® and microsatellite analysis.
GeneMarker MTP software is compatible with custom and commercial chemistries, and all major capillary electrophoresis platforms (including ABI®PRISM, Applied Biosystems SeqStudio™, and Promega Spectrum Compact CE genetic analyzers) and Windows® 7-10 OS.
Application Notes:
Trademarks property of their respective owners Research Use Only
MLPA® is the registered trademark of MRC Holland