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Citations and Papers

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  1. FengGe, W., Xin, L., Yang, Y., HongMei, Y., Bin, J., XianChen, Z., YongXue, H., Li, Z., JianRong, G., Rui, W., Jie, R., Lu, W., HongLi, T., JiuRan, Z., 2018. SSR Analyser - a special software suitable for SSR fingerprinting of plant varieties. Scientia Agricultura Sinica 51, 2248–2262. (Read the article)
  2. Trudić, B., Kiš, A., Stojnić, S., Orlović, S., Panjković, B., 2016. Spatial genetic profile of marginal population of silver fir (Abies alba (var. 'pyramidalis")) from Serbia using SSR markers. VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium, “Agrosym 2016”, 6-9 October 2016, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Proceedings 2910–2916. (Read the article)
  3. Gardiner, S.L., de Mutsert, R., Trompet, S., Boogaard, M.W., Dijk, K.W. van, Jukema, P.J.W., Slagboom, P.E., Roos, R.A.C., Pijl, H., Rosendaal, F.R., Aziz, N.A., 2019. Repeat length variations in polyglutamine disease-associated genes affect body mass index. International Journal of Obesity; London 43, 440–449. (Read the article)
  4. Gómez, K.M., Caicedo, M.A., Gaitán, A., Herrera-Varela, M., Arce, M.I., Vallejo, A.F., Padilla, J., Chaparro, P., Pacheco, M.A., Escalante, A.A., Arevalo-Herrera, M., Herrera, S., 2017. Characterizing the malaria rural-to-urban transmission interface: The importance of reactive case detection. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases; San Francisco 11. (Read the article)
  5. Kamidi, C.M., Saarman, N.P., Dion, K., Mireji, P.O., Ouma, C., Murilla, G., Aksoy, S., Schnaufer, A., Caccone, A., 2017. Multiple evolutionary origins of Trypanosoma evansi in Kenya. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases; San Francisco 11. (Read the article)
  6. Maynard, A.J., Ambrose, L., Cooper, R.D., Chow, W.K., Davis, J.B., Muzari, M.O., van den Hurk, F., Hall-Mendelin, S., Hasty, J.M., Burkot, T.R., Bangs, M.J., Reimer, L.J., Butafa, C., Lobo, N.F., Syafruddin, D., Maung, Y.N.M., Rohani, A., Beebe, N.W., 2017. Tiger on the prowl: Invasion history and spatio-temporal genetic structure of the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse 1894) in the Indo-Pacific. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases; San Francisco 11. (Read the article)
  7. Opiro, R., Saarman, N.P., Echodu, R., Opiyo, E.A., Dion, K., Halyard, A., Dunn, A.W., Aksoy, S., Caccone, A., 2017. Genetic diversity and population structure of the tsetse fly Glossina fuscipes fuscipes  (Diptera: Glossinidae) in Northern Uganda: Implications for vector control. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases; San Francisco 11. (Read the article)
  8. Pacheco, na, Schneider, K.A., Herrera, crates, Escalante, A.A., 2019. Limited differentiation among Plasmodium vivax populations from the northwest and to the south Pacific Coast of Colombia: A malaria corridor? PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases; San Francisco 13, e0007310. (Read the article)
  9. CODIS and NDIS Fact Sheet [WWW Document], n.d. . Federal Bureau of Investigation. (Read the article) (accessed 12.1.19).
  10. Ring, J., Grates, K., Sutherland, C., Tontarski, K., Savage, K., O’Brien, R., 2008. Genebench FX TM -100 - Technology Evaluation. JUSTINFO. (Read the article)
  11. Luo, H., Wen, J.-Z., Zhang, R.-Q., Ji, Y.-L., Mo, C.-Y., Wei, L., Wang, Z., Liao, Z.-J., Luo, G.-P., 2017. [Phenotype Types and Genetic Mutation Mechanism of Rhesus D Variant Individuals]. Zhongguo Shi Yan Xue Ye Xue Za Zhi 25, 1804–1809.
  12. Masoudzadeh, N., Teimourian, S., 2019. Comparison of quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction and karyotype analysis for prenatal screening of chromosomal aneuploidies in 270 amniotic fluid samples. J Perinat Med 47, 631–636. (Read the article)
  13. Aylward, J., Dreyer, L.L., Laas, T., Smit, L., Roets, F., 2017. Knoxdaviesia capensis: dispersal ecology and population genetics of a flower-associated fungus. Fungal Ecology 26, 28–36. (Read the article)
  14. Bessega, C., Pometti, C., Campos, C., Saidman, B.O., Vilardi, J.C., 2017. Implications of mating system and pollen dispersal indices for management and conservation of the semi-arid species Prosopis flexuosa (Leguminosae). Forest Ecology and Management 400, 218–227. (Read the article)
  15. Best, D.H., Sumner, K.L., Smith, B.P., Damjanovich-Colmenares, K., Nakayama, I., Brown, L.M., Ha, Y., Paul, E., Morris, A., Jama, M.A., Dodson, M.W., Bayrak-Toydemir, P., Elliott, C.G., 2017. EIF2AK4 Mutations in Patients Diagnosed With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Chest 151, 821–828. (Read the article)
  16. Beukers, W., van der Keur, K.A., Kandimalla, R., Vergouwe, Y., Steyerberg, E.W., Boormans, J.L., Jensen, J.B., Lorente, J.A., Real, F.X., Segersten, U., Orntoft, T.F., Malats, N., Malmström, P.-U., Dyrskjot, L., Zwarthoff, E.C., 2017. FGFR3, TERT and OTX1 as a Urinary Biomarker Combination for Surveillance of Patients with Bladder Cancer in a Large Prospective Multicenter Study. The Journal of Urology 197, 1410–1418. (Read the article)
  17. Boscari, E., Barmintseva, A., Zhang, S., Yue, H., Li, C., Shedko, S.V., Lieckfeldt, D., Ludwig, A., Wei, Q.W., Mugue, N.S., Congiu, L., 2017. Genetic identification of the caviar-producing Amur and Kaluga sturgeons revealed a high level of concealed hybridization. Food Control 82, 243–250. (Read the article)
  18. Cao, Y., AlHumaidi, S.S., Faqeih, E.A., Pitel, B.A., Lundquist, P., Aypar, U., 2017. A novel deletion of SNURF/SNRPN exon 1 in a patient with Prader-Willi-like phenotype. European Journal of Medical Genetics 60, 416–420. (Read the article)
  19. Cayuela, H., Léna, J.-P., Lengagne, T., Kaufmann, B., Mondy, N., Konecny, L., Dumet, A., Vienney, A., Joly, P., 2017. Relatedness predicts male mating success in a pond-breeding amphibian. Animal Behaviour 130, 251–261. (Read the article)
  20. Chen, F.R., Stroud, C.B., Vrshek-Schallhorn, S., Doane, L.D., Granger, D.A., 2017. Individual differences in early adolescents’ latent trait cortisol: Interaction of early adversity and 5-HTTLPR. Biological Psychology 129, 8–15. (Read the article)
  21. Chen, G., Zhang, W., Fang, J., Dong, L., 2017. Identification of massive molecular markers in Echinochloa phyllopogon using a restriction-site associated DNA approach. Plant Diversity 39, 287–293. (Read the article)
  22. Ciotir, C., Szabo, J., Freeland, J., 2017. Genetic characterization of cattail species and hybrids (Typha spp.) in Europe. Aquatic Botany 141, 51–59. (Read the article)
  23. Costanzo, A., Ambrosini, R., Caprioli, M., Gatti, E., Parolini, M., Romano, A., Rubolini, D., Gianfranceschi, L., Saino, N., 2017. Extrapair fertilizations vary with female traits and pair composition, besides male attractiveness, in barn swallows. Animal Behaviour 134, 183–191. (Read the article)
  24. Croft, A., Guo, S.T., Sherwin, S., Farrelly, M., Yan, X.G., Zhang, X.D., Jiang, C.C., 2017. Functional identification of a novel transcript variant of INPP4B in human colon and breast cancer cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 485, 47–53. (Read the article)
  25. Cruz, G.A.S., Zizka, G., Silvestro, D., Leme, E.M.C., Schulte, K., Benko-Iseppon, A.M., 2017. Molecular phylogeny, character evolution and historical biogeography of Cryptanthus Otto & A. Dietr. (Bromeliaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 107, 152–165. (Read the article)
  26. Damavandi, N., Raigani, M., Joudaki, A., Davami, F., Zeinali, S., 2017. Rapid characterization of the CHO platform cell line and identification of pseudo attP sites for PhiC31 integrase. Protein Expression and Purification 140, 60–64. (Read the article)
  27. Díaz, A., Ranilla, M.J., Saro, C., Tejido, M.L., Pérez-Quintana, M., Carro, M.D., 2017. Influence of increasing doses of a yeast hydrolyzate obtained from sugarcane processing on in vitro rumen fermentation of two different diets and bacterial diversity in batch cultures and Rusitec fermenters. Animal Feed Science and Technology 232, 129–138. (Read the article)
  28. Duwe, V.K., Muller, L.A.H., Borsch, T., Ismail, S.A., 2017. Pervasive genetic differentiation among Central European populations of the threatened Arnica montana L. and genetic erosion at lower elevations. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 27, 45–56. (Read the article)
  29. Esmailnejad, A., Nikbakht Brujeni, G., Badavam, M., 2017. LEI0258 microsatellite variability and its association with humoral and cell mediated immune responses in broiler chickens. Molecular Immunology 90, 22–26. (Read the article)
  30. Evans, M.J., Rittenhouse, T.A.G., Hawley, J.E., Rego, P.W., 2017. Black bear recolonization patterns in a human-dominated landscape vary based on housing: New insights from spatially explicit density models. Landscape and Urban Planning 162, 13–24. (Read the article)
  31. Flores-López, C.A., Zenteno-Cuevas, R., Laniado-Laborín, R., Reynaud, Y., García-Ortiz, R.A., González-Y-Merchand, J.A., Rivera, S., Vázquez-Chacón, C.A., Vaughan, G., Martínez-Guarneros, J.A., Victoria-Cota, N.L., Cruz-Rivera, M., Rastogi, N., Muñiz-Salazar, R., 2017. Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Baja California, Mexico: A result of human migration? Infection, Genetics and Evolution 55, 378–383. (Read the article)
  32. González-Díaz, P., Jump, A.S., Perry, A., Wachowiak, W., Lapshina, E., Cavers, S., 2017. Ecology and management history drive spatial genetic structure in Scots pine. Forest Ecology and Management 400, 68–76. (Read the article)
  33. Gress, B.E., Pitnick, S., 2017. Size-dependent ejaculation strategies and reproductive success in the yellow dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria. Animal Behaviour 127, 281–287. (Read the article)
  34. Guo, L., Gao, X., 2017. Genetic diversity and population structure of Indigofera szechuensis complex (Fabaceae) based on EST-SSR markers. Gene 624, 26–33. (Read the article)
  35. Habtom, H., Demanèche, S., Dawson, L., Azulay, C., Matan, O., Robe, P., Gafny, R., Simonet, P., Jurkevitch, E., Pasternak, Z., 2017. Soil characterisation by bacterial community analysis for forensic applications: A quantitative comparison of environmental technologies. Forensic Science International: Genetics 26, 21–29. (Read the article)
  36. He, S., Xu, W., Li, F., Wang, Y., Liu, A., 2017. Intraspecific DNA methylation polymorphism in the non-edible oilseed plant castor bean. Plant Diversity 39, 300–307. (Read the article)
  37. Huo, X., Du, Y., Lu, J., Guo, M., Li, Z., Zhang, S., Li, X., Chen, Z., Du, X., 2017. Analysis of microsatellite instability in CRISPR/Cas9 editing mice. Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 797–799, 1–6. (Read the article)
  38. Ibba, M.I., Kiszonas, A.M., Guzmán, C., Morris, C.F., 2017. Definition of the low molecular weight glutenin subunit gene family members in a set of standard bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. Journal of Cereal Science 74, 263–271. (Read the article)
  39. In, V.V., O’Connor, W., Sang, V.V., Van, P.T., Knibb, W., 2017. Resolution of the controversial relationship between Pacific and Portuguese oysters internationally and in Vietnam. Aquaculture 473, 389–399. (Read the article)
  40. Juarez-Eusebio, D.M., Munro-Rojas, D., Muñiz-Salazar, R., Laniado-Laborín, R., Martinez-Guarneros, J.A., Flores-López, C.A., Zenteno-Cuevas, R., 2017. Molecular characterization of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from high prevalence tuberculosis states in Mexico. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 55, 384–391. (Read the article)
  41. Kennington, W.J., Keron, P.W., Harvey, E.S., Wakefield, C.B., Williams, A.J., Halafihi, T., Newman, S.J., 2017. High intra-ocean, but limited inter-ocean genetic connectivity in populations of the deep-water oblique-banded snapper Pristipomoides zonatus (Pisces: Lutjanidae). Fisheries Research 193, 242–249. (Read the article)
  42. Kim, W.G., Kim, J.Y., Park, D.Y., 2017. Simple classifiers for molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer. Arab Journal of Gastroenterology 18, 191–200. (Read the article)
  43. Lannoy, N., Lambert, C., Farrugia, A., Van Damme, A., Hermans, C., 2017. Usual and unusual mutations in a cohort of Belgian patients with hemophilia B. Thrombosis Research 149, 25–28. (Read the article)
  44. Li, C., Li, T., Liu, T., Sun, Z., Bai, G., Jin, F., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., 2017. Identification of a major QTL for flag leaf glaucousness using a high-density SNP marker genetic map in hexaploid wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16, 445–453. (Read the article)
  45. Li, G.-D., Bi, R., Zhang, D.-F., Xu, M., Luo, R., Wang, D., Fang, Y., Li, T., Zhang, C., Yao, Y.-G., 2017. Female-specific effect of the BDNF gene on Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging 53, 192.e11-192.e19. (Read the article)
  46. Li, H.-S., Liang, X.-Y., Zou, S.-J., Liu, Y., De Clercq, P., Ślipiński, A., Pang, H., 2017. New EST-SSR markers reveal strong genetic differentiation in native and introduced populations of the mealybug destroyer Cryptolaemus montrouzieri. Biological Control 109, 21–26. (Read the article)
  47. Liu, H., Wu, X., Wang, Q., Wang, S., Liu, D., Liu, G., 2017. Responses of soil ammonia oxidation and ammonia-oxidizing communities to land-use conversion and fertilization in an acidic red soil of southern China. European Journal of Soil Biology 80, 110–120. (Read the article)
  48. Lorenz, C., Lesimple, P., Bukowiecki, R., Zink, A., Inak, G., Mlody, B., Singh, M., Semtner, M., Mah, N., Auré, K., Leong, M., Zabiegalov, O., Lyras, E.-M., Pfiffer, V., Fauler, B., Eichhorst, J., Wiesner, B., Huebner, N., Priller, J., Mielke, T., Meierhofer, D., Izsvák, Z., Meier, J.C., Bouillaud, F., Adjaye, J., Schuelke, M., Wanker, E.E., Lombès, A., Prigione, A., 2017. Human iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitors Are an Effective Drug Discovery Model for Neurological mtDNA Disorders. Cell Stem Cell 20, 659-674.e9. (Read the article)
  49. Maswanganye, K.A., Cunningham, M.J., Bennett, N.C., Chimimba, C.T., Bloomer, P., 2017. Life on the rocks: Multilocus phylogeography of rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) from southern Africa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 114, 49–62. (Read the article)
  50. Misse, A.C., Barnes, I., Roets, F., Mbenoun, M., Wingfield, M.J., Roux, J., 2017. Ecology and population structure of a tree wound-infecting fungus in a native South African forest environment. Fungal Biology 121, 69–81. (Read the article)
  51. Muñoz, L.J., Carballosa-Gautam, M.M., Yanowsky, K., García-Atarés, N., López, D.E., 2017. The genetic audiogenic seizure hamster from Salamanca: The GASH:Sal. Epilepsy & Behavior, Genetic and Reflex Epilepsies, Audiogenic Seizures and Strains: From Experimental Models to the Clinic 71, 181–192. (Read the article)
  52. Muñoz-Mendoza, C., D’Elía, G., Panzera, A., Méndez T., M.A., Villalobos-Leiva, A., Sites, J.W., Victoriano, P.F., 2017. Geography and past climate changes have shaped the evolution of a widespread lizard from the Chilean hotspot. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 116, 157–171. (Read the article)
  53. Olgiati, S., Doğu, O., Tufekcioglu, Z., Diler, Y., Saka, E., Gultekin, M., Kaleagasi, H., Kuipers, D., Graafland, J., Breedveld, G.J., Quadri, M., Sürmeli, R., Sünter, G., Doğan, T., Yalçın, A.D., Bilgiç, B., Elibol, B., Emre, M., Hanagasi, H.A., Bonifati, V., 2017. The p.Thr11Met mutation in c19orf12 is frequent among adult Turkish patients with MPAN. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 39, 64–70. (Read the article)
  54. Pacheco-Almanzar, E., Ramírez-Saad, H., Velázquez-Aragón, J.A., Serrato, A., Ibáñez, A.L., 2017. Diversity and genetic structure of white mullet populations in the Gulf of Mexico analyzed by microsatellite markers. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 198, 249–256. (Read the article)
  55. Pasanen, P., Palin, E., Pohjolan-Pirhonen, R., Pöyhönen, M., Rinne, J.O., Päivärinta, M., Martikainen, M.H., Kaasinen, V., Hietala, M., Gardberg, M., Saukkonen, A.M., Eerola-Rautio, J., Kaakkola, S., Lyytinen, J., Tienari, P.J., Paetau, A., Suomalainen, A., Myllykangas, L., 2017. SNCA mutation p.Ala53Glu is derived from a common founder in the Finnish population. Neurobiology of Aging 50, 168.e5-168.e8. (Read the article)
  56. Pedrosa, J.A.M., Cocchiararo, B., Bordalo, M.D., Rodrigues, A.C.M., Soares, A.M.V.M., Barata, C., Nowak, C., Pestana, J.L.T., 2017a. The role of genetic diversity and past-history selection pressures in the susceptibility of Chironomus riparius populations to environmental stress. Science of The Total Environment 576, 807–816. (Read the article)
  57. Pedrosa, J.A.M., Cocchiararo, B., Verdelhos, T., Soares, A.M.V.M., Pestana, J.L.T., Nowak, C., 2017b. Population genetic structure and hybridization patterns in the cryptic sister species Chironomus riparius and Chironomus piger across differentially polluted freshwater systems. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 141, 280–289. (Read the article)
  58. Pedrosa, J.A.M., Machado, A.L., Cocchiararo, B., Soares, A.M.V.M., Nowak, C., Pestana, J.L.T., 2017c. Assessing the suitability of genetic diversity of Chironomus riparius (Meigen) as an indicator of environmental pollution. Ecological Indicators 78, 115–124. (Read the article)
  59. Phan, T.T.H., De Raeymaeker, M., Luong, Q.D., Triest, L., 2017. Clonal and genetic diversity of the threatened seagrass Halophila beccarii in a tropical lagoon: Resilience through short distance dispersal. Aquatic Botany 142, 96–104. (Read the article)
  60. Premachandra, H.K.A., Nguyen, N.H., Miller, A., D’Antignana, T., Knibb, W., 2017. Genetic parameter estimates for growth and non-growth traits and comparison of growth performance in sea cages vs land tanks for yellowtail kingfish Seriola lalandi. Aquaculture 479, 169–175. (Read the article)
  61. Qin, H., Yang, G., Provan, J., Liu, J., Gao, L., 2017. Using MiddRAD-seq data to develop polymorphic microsatellite markers for an endangered yew species. Plant Diversity 39, 294–299. (Read the article)
  62. Rauch, H., Steinwender, B.M., Mayerhofer, J., Sigsgaard, L., Eilenberg, J., Enkerli, J., Zelger, R., Strasser, H., 2017. Field efficacy of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae), Metarhizium brunneum (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae), and chemical insecticide combinations for Diabrotica virgifera virgifera larval management. Biological Control 107, 1–10. (Read the article)
  63. Riahi, A., Chabouni-Bouhamed, H., Kharrat, M., 2017. Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 large genomic rearrangements in Tunisian high risk breast/ovarian cancer families: Implications for genetic testing. Cancer Genetics 210, 22–27. (Read the article)
  64. Ritchie, H., Jamieson, A.J., Piertney, S.B., 2017. Population genetic structure of two congeneric deep-sea amphipod species from geographically isolated hadal trenches in the Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 119, 50–57. (Read the article)
  65. Rodriguez-Algaba, J., Sørensen, C.K., Labouriau, R., Justesen, A.F., Hovmøller, M.S., 2017. Genetic diversity within and among aecia of the wheat rust fungus Puccinia striiformis on the alternate host Berberis vulgaris. Fungal Biology 121, 541–549. (Read the article)
  66. Rumisha, C., Leermakers, M., Elskens, M., Mdegela, R.H., Gwakisa, P., Kochzius, M., 2017. Genetic diversity of the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon in relation to trace metal pollution at the Tanzanian coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin 114, 759–767. (Read the article)
  67. Schlautman, B., Bolivar-Medina, J., Hodapp, S., Zalapa, J., 2017. Cranberry SSR multiplexing panels for DNA horticultural fingerprinting and genetic studies. Scientia Horticulturae 219, 280–286. (Read the article)
  68. Shi, D., Zhuang, K., Xia, Y., Zhu, C., Chen, C., Hu, Z., Shen, Z., 2017. Hydrilla verticillata employs two different ways to affect DNA methylation under excess copper stress. Aquatic Toxicology 193, 97–104. (Read the article)
  69. Steenpass, L., 2017. Generation of two H1 hESC sublines carrying a heterozygous and homozygous knock-out of RB1. Stem Cell Research 25, 270–273. (Read the article)
  70. Sun, M., Zhang, C., Zhang, X., Fan, Y., Fu, K., Wu, W., Bai, S., Zhang, J., Peng, Y., Huang, L., Yan, Y., Ma, X., 2017. AFLP assessment of genetic variability and relationships in an Asian wild germplasm collection of Dactylis glomerata L. Comptes Rendus Biologies 340, 145–155. (Read the article)
  71. Svendsen, S.G., Udsen, M.S., Daouya, M., Funck, T., Wu, C.-L., Carosella, E.D., LeMaoult, J., Hviid, T.V.F., Faber, C., Nissen, M.H., 2017. Expression and differential regulation of HLA-G isoforms in the retinal pigment epithelial cell line, ARPE-19. Human Immunology 78, 414–420. (Read the article)
  72. Taerum, S.J., Hoareau, T.B., Duong, T.A., de Beer, Z.W., Jankowiak, R., Wingfield, M.J., 2017. Putative origins of the fungus Leptographium procerum. Fungal Biology 121, 82–94. (Read the article)
  73. Vianna, J.A., Noll, D., Dantas, G.P.M., Petry, M.V., Barbosa, A., González-Acuña, D., Le Bohec, C., Bonadonna, F., Poulin, E., 2017. Marked phylogeographic structure of Gentoo penguin reveals an ongoing diversification process along the Southern Ocean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 107, 486–498. (Read the article)
  74. Viaro, H.P., da Silva, J.J., de Souza Ferranti, L., Bordini, J.G., Massi, F.P., Fungaro, M.H.P., 2017. The first report of A. novoparasiticus, A. arachidicola and A. pseudocaelatus in Brazilian corn kernels. International Journal of Food Microbiology 243, 46–51. (Read the article)
  75. Yang, Y., Wang, Z., Hu, Y., Zeng, Z., 2017a. Irrigation frequency alters the abundance and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in a northern Chinese upland soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 83, 34–42. (Read the article)
  76. Yang, Y., Zhao, J., Jiang, Y., Hu, Y., Zhang, M., Zeng, Z., 2017b. Response of bacteria harboring nirS and nirK genes to different N fertilization rates in an alkaline northern Chinese soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 82, 1–9. (Read the article)
  77. Zhang, Yiquan, Zhang, Ying, Gao, H., Zhang, L., Yin, Z., Huang, X., Zhou, D., Yang, H., Yang, W., Wang, L., 2017. Vibrio parahaemolyticus CalR down regulates the thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) gene transcription and thereby inhibits hemolytic activity. Gene 613, 39–44. (Read the article)
  78. Zhou, Q., Yao, F., Han, X., Li, H., Yang, L., Sui, R., 2017. Rep1 copy number variation is an important genetic cause of choroideremia in Chinese patients. Experimental Eye Research 164, 64–73. (Read the article)
  79. Ahmed, E., Sansac, C., Fieldes, M., Bergougnoux, A., Bourguignon, C., Mianné, J., Arnould, C., Vachier, I., Assou, S., Bourdin, A., De Vos, J., 2018. Generation of the induced pluripotent stem cell line UHOMi001-A from a patient with mutations in CCDC40 gene causing Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD). Stem Cell Research 33, 15–19. (Read the article)
  80. Al-Warid, H.S., Belsare, A., Straka, K., Gompper, M.E., Eggert, L.S., 2018. Genetic polymorphism of Baylisascaris procyonis in host infrapopulations and component populations in the Central USA. Parasitology International 67, 392–396. (Read the article)
  81. Austin-Tse, C.A., Mandelker, D.L., Oza, A.M., Mason-Suares, H., Rehm, H.L., Amr, S.S., 2018. Analysis of intragenic USH2A copy number variation unveils broad spectrum of unique and recurrent variants. European Journal of Medical Genetics 61, 621–626. (Read the article)
  82. Baron, S., van der Merwe, N.A., Maritz-Olivier, C., 2018. The genetic relationship between R. microplus and R. decoloratus ticks in South Africa and their population structure. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 129, 60–69. (Read the article)
  83. Bezerra, I.M., Gramacho, K.P., Barreto, M.A., Hackradt, C.W., Leão Feitosa, J.L., Torres, R.A., Ferreira, B.P., González-Wanguemert, M., Félix-Hackradt, F.C., 2018. Genetic diversity and gene flow of the threatened Brazilian endemic parrotfish Scarus trispinosus (Valenciennes, 1840). Marine Environmental Research 142, 155–162. (Read the article)
  84. Blumstein, D.M., Mays, D., Scribner, K.T., 2018. Spatial genetic structure and recruitment dynamics of burbot (Lota lota) in Eastern Lake Michigan and Michigan tributaries. Journal of Great Lakes Research 44, 149–156. (Read the article)
  85. Boehm, J.D., Ibba, M.I., Kiszonas, A.M., See, D.R., Skinner, D.Z., Morris, C.F., 2018. Genetic analysis of kernel texture (grain hardness) in a hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) bi-parental population. Journal of Cereal Science 79, 57–65. (Read the article)
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  164. Morente-López, J., Scheepens, J.F., Lara-Romero, C., Ruiz-Checa, R., Tabarés, P., Iriondo, J.M., 2019. Past selection shaped phenological differentiation among populations at contrasting elevations in a Mediterranean alpine plant. Environmental and Experimental Botany 103894. (Read the article)
  165. Mura, M., Lee, Y.-K., Pisano, F., Ginevrino, M., Boni, M., Calabrò, F., Crotti, L., Valente, E.M., Schwartz, P.J., Tse, H.-F., Gnecchi, M., 2019a. Generation of the human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) line PSMi004-A from a carrier of the KCNQ1-R594Q mutation. Stem Cell Research 37, 101431. (Read the article)
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  167. Mura, M., Pisano, F., Stefanello, M., Ginevrino, M., Boni, M., Calabrò, F., Crotti, L., Valente, E.M., Schwartz, P.J., Brink, P.A., Gnecchi, M., 2019c. Generation of the human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) line PSMi007-A from a Long QT Syndrome type 1 patient carrier of two common variants in the NOS1AP gene. Stem Cell Research 36, 101416. (Read the article)
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Five new species of Corybas (Diurideae, Orchidaceae) endemic to New Zealand and phylogeny of the Nematoceras clade


Phytotaxa 270 (1): 001–024 (Read the article)

Investigating the origin of vagrant dusky groupers, Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), in coastal waters of Réunion Island

Reed et al

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution · July 2016 (Read the article)

Genetic analyses and occurrence of diploid males in field and laboratory populations of Mastrus ridens (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a parasitoid of the codling moth

Retamal et al

Biological Control June 28, 2016 (Read the article)

Frequency and Clinical Characteristics of Intrachromosomal Amplification of Chromosome 21 in Korean Childhood B-lineage Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Jieun Kim et al

Ann Lab Med. 2016 Sep;36(5):475-480. English.

Published online June 24, 2016. (Read the article)

Islands within an island: Repeated adaptive divergence in a single population

Langin et al

Evolution · January 2015 (Read the article)

The invasion of Senecio pterophorus across continents: multiple, independent introductions, admixture and hybridization

Vilatersana et al

Biological Invasions July 2016, Volume 18, Issue 7, pp 2045-2065 (Read the article)

Development of Molecular Markers for Determining Continental Origin of Wood from White Oaks (Quercus L. sect. Quercus)

Schroeder et al

PLOS ONE: June 28 2016 (Read the article)

Feral Cat Globetrotters: genetics traces of historical human-mediated dispersal

Koch et al

Ecology and Evolution June 30, 2016 (Read the article)

Regional genetic differentiation in the blue mussel from the Baltic Sea area

Larson et al

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science Available online 27 June 2016 (Read the article)

Genotype-phenotype analysis of von Hippel-Lindau syndrome in Korean families: HIF-α binding site missense mutations elevate age-specific risk for CNS hemangioblastoma

Jee-Soo Lee et al

BMC Medical GeneticsBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted201617:48

DOI: 10.1186/s12881-016- 0306-2© The Author(s). 2016

Published: 20 July 2016

Development of Microsatellite Markers for Crepis mollis (Asteraceae)

Duwe, et al

Applications in Plant Sciences / Jul 2016 / 1600022 (Read the article)

Investigating past range dynamics for a weed of cultivation, Silene vulgaris

Sebasky, et al

Ecology and Evolution (Read the article)


Marie-Laure Guillemin, Myriam Valero, Kennia Morales Collio, Ramona Pinochet Sanchez, Miguel Henr ́ıquez Espinosa, Andrea X. Silva (Read the article)

Two maternal duplications involving the CDKN1C gene are associated with contrasting growth phenotypes

Susanne Eriksen Boonen, Lucia Perone and Flavia Cerrato, Orazio Palumbo, Andrea Freschi, Massimo Carella, Rikke Christensen, Niels Uldbjerg, Federica Maria Valente, Angela Sparago, Dorte Launholt Lildballe, Andrea Riccio and Flavia Cerrato (Read the article)

Genomic mechanisms underlying PARK2 large deletions identified in a cohort of patients with PD

Morais, et al (Read the article)

Two novel mutations in RNU4ATAC in two siblings with an atypical mild phenotype of microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type 1

Krøigård et al (Read the article)

Development and Integration of an SSR-Based

Molecular Identity Database into Sugarcane

Breeding Program

Yon-Bao Pan (Read the article)

Combining genetic and distributional approaches to sourcing introduced species: a case study on the Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus) in Florida

Dowell et al (Read the article)

Enhancement of ecosystem services during endophyte-assisted aided phytostabilization of metal contaminated mine soil

Burges, et al (Read the article)

Data on the presence or absence of genes encoding essential proteins for ochratoxin and fumonisin biosynthesis in Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus welwitschiae

Massi, et al (Read the article)

Mining of haplotype-based expressed sequence tag single nucleotide polymorphismsin citrus

Chen et al (Read the article)

Patients with mosaic methylation patterns of the Prader-Willi/Angelman Syndrome critical region exhibit AS-like phenotypes with some PWS features

Aypar et al (Read the article)

Genetic Variation of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from Multiple Crops in the North Central United States
Aldrich-Wolfe et al. PLoS Onev.10(9); 2015PMC4587960 (Read the article)

Marshes as “Mountain Tops”: Genetic Analyses of the Critically Endangered São Paulo Marsh Antwren (Aves: Thamnophilidae)
Crisley de Camargo etal (Read the article)

A segregating inversion generates fitness variation in a yellow monkey flower (Mimulus guttatus) population
Young Wha Lee, Lila Fishman, John K. Kelly, and John H. Willis (Read the article)

Genetic consequences of cladogenetic vs. anagenetic speciation in endemic plants of oceanic islands
Koji Takayama, Patricio López-Sepúlveda, Josef Greimler, Daniel J. Crawford, Patricio Peñailillo, Marcelo Baeza, Eduardo Ruiz, Gudrun Kohl, Karin Tremetsberger, Alejandro Gatica, Luis Letelier, Patricio Novoa, Johannes Novak, and Tod F. Stuessy (Read the article)

Development of Microsatellite Loci for the Endangered Seagrass Zostera japonica (Zosteraceae) open access
Xiaomei Zhang, Yi Zhou, Dongxiu Xue and Jin-Xian Liu (Read the article)

Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome and a set of polymorphic microsatellite markers through next-generation sequencing for the brown brocket deer Mazama gouazoubira
Renato Caparroz , Aline M.B. Mantellatto, David J. Bertioli , Marina G. Figueiredo, José Maurício B. Duarte (Read the article)

Development of Microsatellite Loci for the Endangered Seagrass Zostera japonica (Zosteraceae)
Xiaomei Zhang, Yi Zhou, Dongxiu Xue and Jin-Xian Liu (Read the article)

Clinical Findings, Genetic Diseases and Oncology Detecting genotyping errors at Schistosoma japonicum microsatellites with pedigree information
Yu-Meng Gao, Da-Bing Lu1, Huan Ding and Poppy H. L. Lamberton (Read the article)

Microevolution of Aedes aegypti
Caroline Louise, Paloma Oliveira Vidal1, Lincoln Suesdek (Read the article)

Assessment of genetic diversity in Ethiopian field pea (Pisum sativum L.) accessions with newly developed EST-SSR markers
Abel Teshome,corresponding author Tomas Bryngelsson, Kifle Dagne, and Mulatu Geleta (Read the article)

Development of microsatellite primers for Senna multijuga (Fabaceae): a pioneer species from the Brazilian Atlantic forest
Amorim et al, Conservation Genet Resour (Read the article)

  1. Studying Bordetella pertussis populations using SNPeX, a simple high 2 throughput SNP typing method
    Zeddeman et al, JCM Accepted Manuscript Posted Online 7 January 2015, J. Clin. Microbiol. doi:10.1128/JCM.02995-14 (Read the article)

  2. Development and Validation of 697 Novel Polymorphic Genomic and EST-SSR Markers in the American Cranberry
    (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) Brandon Schlautman, et al, Molecules 2015, 20, 2001-2013; doi:10.3390/molecules20022001 (Read the article)

  3. A FRUITFULL-like gene is associated with genetic variation for fruit flesh firmness in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.
    Volkan Cevik et al (Read the article)

  4. Fourteen polymorphic microsatellite markers for the threatened Arnica montana (Asteraceae)
    Virginia K Duwe et al, Appl Plant Sciv.3(1); 2015 JanPMC4298232 (Read the article)


  6. Complex genomic rearrangements in the dystrophin gene due to replication-based mechanisms
    Berivan Baskin, Dimitri J. Stavropoulos, Paige A. Rebeiro, Jennifer Orr, Martin Li, Leslie Steele, Christian R. Marshall, Edmond G. Lemire, Kym M. Boycott, William Gibson andPeter N. Ray. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine > Vol 2 Issue 6 (Read the article)

  7. Strategies for genetic study of hearing loss in the Brazilian northeastern region
    Uirá S Melo, Silvana Santos, Hannalice G Cavalcanti, Wagner T Andrade, Vitor G Dantas, Marine RD Rosa, Regina C Mingroni-Netto. Int J Mol Epidemiol Genet 2014;5(1):11-21 (Read the article)

  8. Population genetics of neotropical Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae)
    André Barretto Bruno Wilke, Paloma Oliveira Vidal, Lincoln Suesdek and Mauro Toledo Marrelli (Read the article)

  9. No association between genetic variants of the LRRK2 gene andschizophrenia in Han Chinese
    Xiao Lia, Wen Zhanga, Chen Zhangb, Wei Gonga, Jinsong Tangc, Zhenghui Yib,Dong Wanga, Weihong Lub, Yiru Fangb, Xiaogang Chenc, Yong-Gang Yaoa. Neuroscience Letters 566 (2014) 210–215 (Read the article)

  10. Investigation of selected genomic deletions and duplications in a cohort of 338 patients presenting with syndromic obesity by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification using synthetic probes
    Carla S D’Angelo, Monica C Varela, Cláudia IE de Castro, Chong A Kim, Débora R Bertola, Charles M Lourenço, Ana Beatriz A Perez and Celia P Koiffmann. Molecular Cytogenetics (Read the article)

  11. Germline rearrangements in families with strong family history of glioma and malignant melanoma, colon, and breast cancer
    Ulrika Andersson, Carl Wibom, Kristina Cederquist, Steina Aradottir, Åke Borg, Georgina N. Armstrong, Sanjay Shete, Ching C. Lau, Matthew N. Bainbridge, Elizabeth B. Claus, Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, Rose Lai, Dora Il'yasova, Richard S. Houlston, Joellen Schildkraut, Jonine L. Bernstein, Sara H. Olson, Robert B. Jenkins, Daniel H. Lachance, Margaret Wrensch, Faith G. Davis, Ryan Merrell, Christoffer Johansen, Siegal Sadetzki, The Gliogene Consortium, Melissa L. Bondy and Beatrice S. Melin. Neuro-Oncology Volume 16, Issue 10Pp. 1333-1340 (Read the article)

  12. Population Genetic Structure and Demographic History of Atrina pectinata Based on Mitochondrial DNA and Microsatellite Markers
    Dong-Xiu Xue, Hai-Yan Wang, Tao Zhang, Jin-Xian Liu 7 (Read the article)

  13. An Improved MLVF Method and Its Comparison with Traditional MLVF, spa Typing, MLST/SCCmec and PFGE for the Typing of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
    Xue-Fei Du, Meng Xiao, Hong-Yan Liang, Zhe Sun, Yue-Hong Jiang, Guo-Yu Chen, Xiao-Yu Meng, Gui-Ling Zou, Li Zhang, Ya-Li Liu, Hui Zhang, Hong-Li Sun, Xiao-Feng Jiang, and Ying-Chun Xu (Read the article)

  14. TSC2 Deletions and Duplications: A Descriptive Study in Iranian Patients Affected with Tuberous Sclerosis
    Hossein Ramandi, Sayyed Mohammad Hossein Ghaderian, Parviz Toosi. American Journal of Molecular Biology, 2014, 4, 163-167 (Read the article)

  15. Partial Gene Deletions of PMP22 Causing Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies
    Sun-Mi Cho, Bo Young Hong, Yoonjung Kim, Sang Guk Lee, Jin-Young Yang, Juwon Kim, and Kyung-A Lee. Case Reports in Genetics Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 946010, 3 pages (Read the article)

  16. Limitation of high-resolution melting curve analysis for genotyping simple sequence repeats in sheep
    M. Yang, Y.J. Yue, T.T. Guo, J.L. Han, J.B. Liu, J. Guo, X.P. Sun, R.L. Feng, Y.Y. Wu, C.F. Wang, L.P. Wang and B.H. Yang. Genetics and Molecular Research 13 (2): 2645-2653 (2014) (Read the article)

  17. Population Genetics of red striped mullet (Mullus surmuletus) in Turkish Seas Based on Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA data
    Doğan Tuncay and Fevzi Bardakci, Adnan Menderes University, Biology, Turkey. (Read the article)

  18. Dynamics of genetic variability in Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) during adaptation to laboratory rearing conditions
    María A Parreño, Alejandra C Scannapieco, María I Remis, Marianela Juri, María T Vera, Diego F Segura, Jorge L Cladera and Silvia B Lanzavecchia. (Read the article)

  19. Strategies for genetic study of hearing loss in the Brazilian northeastern region.
    Melo US, Santos S, Cavalcanti HG, Andrade WT, Dantas VG, Rosa MR, Mingroni-Netto RC. (Read the article)

  20. Application of Genomic SSR Locus Polymorphisms on the Identification and Classification of Chrysanthemum Cultivars in China
    Yuan Zhang, Silan Dai,Yan Hong, Xuebin Song (Read the article)

  21. Plant vigour at establishment and following defoliation are both associated with responses to drought in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.)
    Jean-Hugues B. Hatier, Marty J. Faville, Michael J. Hickey, John P. Koolaard, Jana Schmidt, Brandi-Lee Carey and Chris S. Jones (Read the article)

  22. Dielectrophoretic Capture and Genetic Analysis of Single Neuroblastoma Tumor Cells
    Erica L. Carpenter, JulieAnn Rader, Jacob Ruden, Eric F. Rappaport, Kristen N. Hunter, Paul L. Hallberg, Kate Krytska, Peter J. O’Dwyer, and Yael P. Mosse (Read the article)

  23. Isolation and characterization of sixteen polymorphic microsatellite loci for Scaevola taccada (Goodeniaceae), a widespread coastal plant

  24. Towards a Transferable and Cost-Effective Plant AFLP Protocol
    Marguerite Blignaut, Allan G. Ellis, and Johannes J. Le Roux (Read the article)

  25. Combination of fluorescence color and melting temperature as a two-dimensional label for homogeneous multiplex PCR detection
    Yiqun Liao, Xiaobo Wang, Chao Sha, Zhongmin Xia, Qiuying Huang, and Qingge Li (Read the article)

  26. MicroRNA expression profiling of 51 human breast cancer cell lines reveals subtype and driver mutation-specific miRNAs
    Muhammad Riaz et al (Read the article)

  27. Spatial scales of genetic structure and gene flow in Calochortus albus (Liliaceae)
    Jillian M. Henss, Jackson R. Moeller, Terra J. Theim, Thomas J. Givnish (Read the article)

  28. Surprisingly little population genetic structure in a fungus-associated beetle despite its exploitation of multiple hosts
    Corlett W. Wood, Hannah M. Donald, Vincent A. Formica, Edmund D. Brodie III (Read the article)

  29. Origins and genetic structure of black bears in the Interior Highlands of North America
    Kaitlyn M. Faries , Thea V. Kristensen , Jeff Beringer , Joseph D. Clark , Don White, Jr. , and Lori S. Eggert (Read the article)

  30. Clonal Progression of Prostate Cancers from Gleason Grade 3 to Grade 4
    Adam G. Sowalsky, Huihui Ye, Glenn J. Bubley, and Steven P. Balk (Read the article)

  31. Frequency and characterization of DNA methylation defects in children born SGA
    Susanne Bens, Andrea Haake, Julia Richter, Judith Leohold, Julia Kolarova, Inga Vater, Felix G Riepe, Karin Buiting, Thomas Eggermann, Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach, Konrad Platzer, Dirk Prawitt, Almuth Caliebe and Reiner Siebert. European Journal of Human Genetics , (12 December 2012) | doi:10.1038/ejhg.2012.262 (Read the article)

  32. Carriage of stx2a Differentiates Clinical and Bovine-Biased Strains of Escherichia coli O157
    Smriti Shringi, Carrie Schmidt, Kaya Katherine, Kelly A. Brayton, Dale D. Hancock, Thomas E. Besse (Read the article)

  33. Identification and mapping of adult-plant stripe rust resistance in soft red winter wheat cultivar ‘USG 3555'
    Mark D. Christopher, Shuyu Liu, Marla D. Hall1, David S. Marshall, Myron O. Fountain, Jerry W. Johnson, Eugene A. Milus, Kimberly A. Garland-Campbell, Xianming Chen, Carl A. Griffey (Read the article)

  34. The Effective Population Size of Malaria Mosquitoes: Large Impact of Vector Control
    Athrey PLoS Genet 8(12);e1003097.doi:10.1271/journal.pgen.1003097 (Read the article)

  35. Microbial composition affects the functioning of estuarine sediments
    Heather E Reed and Jennifer BH Martiny. The ISME Journal , (13 December 2012) | doi:10.1038/ismej.2012.154 (Read the article)

  36. Analysis of the NMI01 Marker for a Population Database of Cannabis Seeds Nicholas Shirley B.S., Lindsay Allgeier M.S., Tommy LaNier, Heather Miller Coyle Ph.D. (Read the article)

  37. Isolation and characterization of 10 microsatellite loci in Cneorum tricoccon (Cneoraceae), a Mediterranean relict plant Alfredo García-Fernández, Ana Lázaro-Nogal, Anna Traveset and Fernando Valladares (Read the article)

  38. Effects of Disturbance Intensity and Frequency on Bacterial Community Composition and Function
    Mercè Berga, Anna J. Székely, Silke Langenheder (Read the article)

  39. A suite of molecular markers for identifying species, detecting introgression and describing population structure in spadefoot toads (Spea spp.)

  40. Multi-ethnic distribution of clinically relevant CYP2C genotypes and haplotypes
    S Martis, I Peter, J-S Hulot, R Kornreich, R J Desnick and S A Scott (Read the article)

  41. Understanding age-specific dispersal in fishes through hydrodynamic modelling, genetic simulations and microsatellite DNA analysis
    Article first published online: 15 MAR 2012
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05520.x
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  42. Xq28 duplications including MECP2 in five females: expanding the phenotype to severe mental retardation
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    E.K. Bijlsmaa,  A. Collinsb, F.T. Papac, M.I. Tejadad, P. Wheelere, E.A.J. Peetersf, A.C.J. Gijsbersa, J.M. van de Kampa, M. Krieka, M. Losekoota, A.J. Broekmaa, J.A. Crollag, M. Pollazzonc, M. Muccioloc, E. Katzakic, V. Disciglioc, M.I. Ferrerih, A. Marozzac, M.A. Mencarellic, C. Castagninic, L. Dosac, F. Arianic, F. Maric, R. Canitanoi, G. Hayeki, M.P. Botellaj, B. Generk, M. Mínguezl, A. Renieric, C.A.L. Ruivenkampa
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  43. The Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Associated with a Female Carrier of a Structural Chromosome Rearrangement
    Soomin Lee, Sanghee Go, Sookyung Jo, Sohyun Park, Soojin Moon, Dongsuk Lee, Ki Chul Kim and Doyeong Hwang; Hamchoon Institute of Fertility & Genetics, Seoul, Korea
    (Read the article)

  44. Microsatellite markers for the native Texas perennial grass, Panicum hallii (Poaceae)
    David B. Lowry Colin T. Purmal2, Eli Meyer and Thomas E. Juenger
    American Journal of Botany (Read the article)

  45. SMN1 gene duplications are associated with sporadic ALS
    H.M. Blauw, MD, C.P. Barnes, PhD, P.W.J. van Vught, PhD, W. van Rheenen, MD, M. Verheul, MD, E. Cuppen, PhD, J.H. Veldink, MD, PhD and L.H. van den Berg, MD, PhD
    Neurology (Read the article)

  46. Mixed tuberculosis infections in rural South Vietnam
    Mai.N.T. Huyen1, Kristin Kremer, Nguyen N.T. Lan, Frank G.J. Cobelens, Tran N. Buu1, N.H. Dung, Maxine Caws5, Edine W. Tiemersma and Dick van Soolingen
    Journal of Clinical Microbiology (Read the article)

  47. Somatic mosaicism in a mother of two children with Pitt-Hopkins syndrome
    CVM Steinbusch, KEP van Roozendaal, D Tserpelis, EEJ Smeets, TJ Kranenburg-de Koning, KH de Waal, C Zweier, A Rauch, RCM Hennekam8, MJ Blok, CTRM Schrander-Stumpel1
    Clinical Genetics (Read the article)

  48. Genetic Analysis of Dystrophin Gene for Affected Male and Female Carriers with Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy in Korea
    Bo Lyun Lee, Sook Hyun Nam, Jun Hwa Lee, Chang Seok Ki, Munhyang Lee, and Jeehun Lee
    Journal of Korean Medical Science (Read the article)

  49. Microsatellite markers from Ceanothus roderickii (Rhamnaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology
    Dylan O. Burge,Ginger Jui, Steven S. Kembel and Katherine Zhukovsky
    American Journal of Botany (Read the artile)

  50. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA reveals significant intraspecific genetic differentiation of tokay gecko in southern China and northern Vietnam
    G. Wang1, Q. Peng, L. Wu, T. Wang, R. Peng, L. Li, X. Zeng, F. Zou1
    Journal of Zoology (Read the article)

  51. Wide variation in spatial genetic structure between natural populations of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and its implications for SGS comparability
    A S Jump, L Rico, M Coll and J Peñuelas
    Heredity (Read the article)

  52. Genetic analysis of the peatmoss Sphagnum cribrosum (Sphagnaceae) indicates independent origins of an extreme infra-specific morphology shift
    Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (Read the article)

  53. Anaerobic Metabolism in Tidal Freshwater Wetlands: II. Effects of Plant Removal on Archaeal Microbial Communities
    David Emerson, Wendy Bellows, Jason K. Keller, Craig L. Moyer, Ariana Sutton-Grier and J. Patrick Megonigal
    Estuaries and Coasts (Read the article)

  54. Comparison between Aniridia with and without PAX6 Mutations : Clinical and Molecular Analysis in 14 Korean Patients with Aniridia
    Hyun Taek Lim, MD, PhD, Eul-Ju Seo, MD, PhD, Gu-Hwan Kim, PhD, Hyosook Ahn, MD, PhD, Hye-jin Lee, MD, Kwang Hun Shin, MD, Jong-Keuk Lee, PhD, Han-Wook Yoo, MD, PhD
    Opthalmoogy (Read the article)

  55. SMN1 gene duplications are associated with sporadic ALS
    H.M. Blauw, MD, C.P. Barnes, PhD, P.W.J. van Vught, PhD, W. van Rheenen, MD, M. Verheul, MD, E. Cuppen, PhD, J.H. Veldink, MD, PhD* and L.H. van den Berg, MD, PhD
    Neurology (Read the article)

  56. TBX5 intragenic duplication: a family with an atypical Holt-Oram syndrome phenotype
    Chirag Patel, Lee Silcock, Dominic McMullan, Louise Brueton and Helen Cox (Read the article)

  57. Development of microsatellite markers for Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae) (Read the article)

  58. Isolation and characterization of 14 novel polymorphic loci for the Florida mouse (Podomys floridanus) John Hargrove, Matt Gitzendanner and James D. Austin (Read the article)

  59. Application of STR markers in wildlife forensic casework involving Australian black-cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus spp.) Nicole E. Whitea, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Rick Dawsonb, Megan L. Coghlana, Silvana R. Tridicoa, Peter R. Mawsonb, James Hailea, Michael Bunce (Read the article)

  60. Donor-transmitted metastasis of colorectal carcinoma in a transplanted liver Zuzana Zelinkova1, Ina Geurts-Giele2, Joanne Verheij2, Herold Metselaar1, Winand Dinjens2, Hans Dubbink2, Pavel Taimr1 Article first published online: 3 NOV 2011 (Read the article)

  61. A Hypermethylated Phenotype Is a Better Predictor of Survival than MGMT Methylation in Anaplastic Oligodendroglial Brain Tumors: A Report from EORTC Study 26951 Martin J. van den Bent1, Lonneke A. Gravendeel2, Thierry Gorlia7, Johan M. Kros3, Lariesa Lapre2, Pieter Wesseling4,5, Johannes L. Teepen6, Ahmed Idbaih8, Marc Sanson8, Peter A.E. Sillevis Smitt2, and Pim J. French2 (Read the article)

  62. A single nucleotide polymorphism assay for the identification of unisexual Ambystoma Salamanders KATHERINE R. GREENWALD1,2, H. LISLE GIBBS1 (Read the article)

  63. A Genomic Scan for Selection Reveals Candidates for Genes Involved in the Evolution of Cultivated Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)[W] Mark A. Chapmana,b, Catherine H. Pashleyb,1, Jessica Wenzlerb, John Hvalaa, Shunxue Tangc, Steven J. Knappc and John M. Burkea,b,2 (Read the article)

  64. Progenitor-derivative speciation in Pozoa (Apiaceae, Azorelloideae) of the southern Andes Ann Bot first published online November 23, 2011 (Read the article)

  65. Characterization of microsatellite loci in Festuca gautieri (Poaceae) and transferability to F. eskia and F. ×picoeuropeana1 José Gabriel Segarra-Moragues2,4 and Pilar Catalán3 (Read the article)

  66. Association of Fhb1 and Qfhs.ifa-5A in Spring versus Winter Growth Habits in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 4, No. 1; 2012 (Read the article)

  67. Homozygous complete deletion of CYP21A2 causes a simple virilizing phenotype in an Azeri child (Read the article)


  69. Application of STR markers in wildlife forensic casework involving Australian black-cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus spp.) (Read the article)

  70. Superiority of extra-pair offspring: maternal but not genetic effects as revealed by a mixed cross-fostering design MILO© KRIST, PAVEL MUNCLINGER (Read the article)

  71. Hybrid swarm between divergent lineages of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) EMILY K. LATCH, ELIZABETH M. KIEREPKA, JAMES R. HEFFELFINGER,OLIN E. RHODES JR. (Read the article)

  72. Paternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 11p15.5 within the pancreas causes isolated hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia S. E. Flanagan, R. R. Kapoor, V. V. Smith, K. Hussain and Sian Ellard* (Read the article)

  73. A clonal strain of Trichomonas gallinae is the aetiologic agent of an emerging
    avian epidemic disease
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  74. Asymmetrical Gene Flow in a Hybrid Zone of Hawaiian Schiedea (Caryophyllaceae) Species with Contrasting Mating Systems (Read the article)

  75. Extending the phenotype of recurrent rearrangements of 16p11.2: deletions in mentally retarded patients without autism and in normal individuals (Read the article)

  77. Population Structure of Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae in the Netherlands in the Pre-Vaccination Era Assessed by MLVA and Capsular Sequence Typing (Read the article)

  78. Decaplex PCR for Genotyping of Enterohemorrhagic E. coli O157:H7 (Read the article)

  79. Bacterial community compositional response to a freshwater to hypersaline gradient across Las Encaderas Del Oeste lagoons (Read the article)

  80. High-throughput retrotransposon-based fluorescent markers: improved information content and allele discrimination (Read the article)

  81. MLPA for confirmation of array CGH results and determination of inheritance (Read the article)

  82. Comparison of MLPA Method for Detection of Known and Unknown Deletions in Beta Globin Gene Cluster with Old Methods (Read the article)

  83. Conversion Technology for the Separation of Maternal and Paternal Copies of Any Autosomal Chromosome in Somatic Cell Hybrids (Read the article)

  84. Protocol for Multiple-locus Variable Number Tandem Repeat Analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Read the article)

  85. Computational and molecular approaches for predicting unreported causal missense mutations in Belgian patients with haemophilia A (Read the article)

  86. Microevolution of sympatry: landscape genetics of hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus and E. roumanicus in Central Europe (Read the article)

  87. Population Structure of Invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae in the Netherlands in the Pre-VaccinationEra Assessed by MLVA and Capsular Sequence Typing (Read the article)

  88. High Burden of Non-Influenza Viruses in Influenza-Like Illness in the Early Weeks of H1N1v Epidemic in France (Read the article)

  89. Molecular Analysis of the Retinoic Acid Induced 1 Gene (RAI1) in Patients with Suspected Smith-Magenis Syndrome without the 17p11.2 Deletion (Read the article)

  90. Establishing the identity of the massacred tigress in a case of wild life crime
    Sandeep Kumar Gupta , Jyotsna Bhagavatula, Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Lalji Singh (Read the article)

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Plant Genome Discovery

  1. Global genetic diversity of Brassica rapa Annisa, Yiming Guo, Sheng Chen and Wallace Cowling (Read the article)

  2. Johannes J. Le Roux1, Ania M. Wieczorek, Mark G. Wright, Carol T. Tran. Super-Genotype: Global monoclonality defies the odds of nature. PLoS ONE,2007,7:e590
  3. Isabelle M. Henry, Brian P. Dilkes and Luca Comai. Molecular karyotyping and aneuploidy detection in Arabidopsis thaliana using quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction. The Plant Journal, 2006, 48(2): 307-319.

  4. D. M. Tucker, C. A. Griffey, S. Liu, G. Brown-Guedira, D. S. Marshall and M. A. Saghai Maroof. Confirmation of three quantitative trait loci conferring adult plant resistance to powdery mildew in two winter wheat populations. Euphytica, 2007, 155(1): 1-13.

  5. R LE, J Johannes and AM Wieczorek. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers from fireweed, Senecio madagascariensis Poir. (Asteraceae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 2007, 7(2), 327-329.

  6. S Chao, J Anderson, K Glover and K. Smith. Use of high throughput marker technologies for marker-assisted breeding in wheat and barley. Plant and Animal Genome XIV Conference Abstracts, 2006, Jan..

  7. J. E. ZALAPA, J. BRUNET, R. P. GURIES. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for red elm (Ulmus rubra Muhl.) and cross-species amplification with Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila L.). Molecular Ecology Notes. 2007.
  8. SHANNON D. FEHLBERG, KRISTEN A. FORD, MARK C. UNGERER, CAROLYN J. FERGUSON. Development, characterization and transferability of microsatellite markers for the plant genus Phlox (Polemoniaceae). Molecular Ecology Notes, 2007.
  9. David Wills and John Burke. QTL Analysis of the Early Domestication of Sunflower. Genetics, 2007; doi:10.1534/genetics.107.075333.
  10. Chunxian Chen, Kim D. Bowman, Young A Choi, Phat M. Dang, Madhugiri Nageswara Rao, Shu Huang, Jaya R. Soneji, T. Greg McCollum and Fred G. Gmitter Jr.. EST-SSR genetic maps for Citrus sinensis and Poncirus trifoliate. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 2007, DOI, 10.1007/s11295-007-0083-3.


AFLP Analysis

  1. Heidi M. Meudt and Andrew C. Clarke, Almost Forgotten or Latest Practice AFLP applications, analyses and advances TRENDS in Plant Science, TRENDS in Plant Science, 2007,12(3 )106-117.

  2. Chris D. Curtin, Jennifer R. Bellon, Paul A. Henschke, Peter W. Godden, Miguel A. de Barros Lopes. Genetic diversity of Dekkera bruxellensis yeasts isolated from Australian wineries. FEMS Yeast Research, 2007, 7 (3): 471-481.

  3. N. J. Miller, M. Ciosi, T. W. Sappington, S. T. Ratcliffe, J. L. Spencer, T. Guillemaud. Genome scan of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera for genetic variation associated with crop rotation tolerance. Journal of Applied Entomology, 2007, 131 (6): 378-385.


Genotyping, Genetic Diversity, Population Genetics, Ecology, Evolution

  1. Jens Carlsson, Cheryl L. Morrison, and Kimberly S. Reece. Wild and aquaculture populations of the eastern oyster compared using microsatellites. Journal of Heredity, 2006, 97(6): 595-598.

  2. Emmanuel Milot, Henri Weimerskirch, Pierre Duchesne, Louis Bernatchez. Surviving with low genetic diversity: the case of albatrosses. Proceeding of Royal Society, B, Biology Sciences, 2007, 274(1611): 779-787.

  3. S. Leuko, F. Goh, M. A. Allen, B. P. Burns, M. R. Walter and B. A. Neilan. Analysis of intergenic spacer region length polymorphisms to investigate the halophilic archaeal diversity of stromatolites and microbial mats. Extremophiles, 2007, 11(1): 203-210.

  4. J. Carlsson and KS Reece. Eight PCR primers to amplify EST-linked microsatellites in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica genome. Molecular Ecology Notes, 2007, 7(2): 257-259.

  5. M. G. Gonda, B. W. Kirkpatrick, G. E. Shook, M. T. Collins. Identification of a QTL on BTA20 affecting susceptibility to Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis infection in US Holsteins. Animal Genetics, 2007, 38(4), 389-396.

  6. K. C. Pause, C. Nourisson, A. Clark, M. E. Kellogg, R. K. Bonde, P. M. McGuire. Polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers for the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), Molecular Ecology Notes. 2007.

  7. Peter B. S. Spencer, Maria Cardoso, R. A. How, J. Williams, M. Bunce, L. H. Schmitt. Cross-species amplification at microsatellite loci in Australian quolls including the description of five new markers from the Chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii). Molecular Ecology Notes. 2007.

  8. L. M. Winton, A. L. Krohn, R. H. Leiner. Microsatellite markers for Sclerotinia subarctica nom. prov., a new vegetable pathogen of the High North. Molecular Ecology Notes, 2007.

  9. Jonathan Willett, James L. Smart, and Carl E. Bauer. RegA Control of Bacteriochlorophyll and Carotenoid Synthesis in Rhodobacter capsulatus. J. Bacteriol., 2007; doi:10.1128/JB.00853-07.

  10. Samantha M. Wisely, Rachel M. Santymire, Travis M. Livieri, Sara A. Mueting and JoGayle Howard. Genotypic and phenotypic consequences of reintroduction history in the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes). Conservation Genetics, 2007, June 13.
