Application Notes
- DNA Mutation and Methylation Quantification
- Heterozygous DNA INDEL
- NGRL Technology Assessment
- Sequence Assembly
- Somatic Mutation Detection Technical Note
- UPMC Validation Poster
- Genetic Diversity
- Hypervariable Mutation Detection
- Methylation Detection
- Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Analysis using Mutation Surveyor® Software
- Variant Knowledge Base with External Annotation
- User Management with Audit Trail
- Analysis of Advanta Solid Tumor Assay Samples
- Analysis of Advanta RNA Fusions Assay Samples
- Condensation
- Format Conversion
- Illumina SNP & INDEL Detection with NextGENe software
- SNP & INDEL Detection of SOLiD™ System Sequence Data with NextGENe
- SNP & Indel Detection of 454 Sequence Data with NextGENe
- Working with Mutation Scores in NextGENe software
- Working with Capture Data
- Working with Variant Comparison Too
- Structural Variant Detection
- Merging Paired End Reads
- De novo Assembly
- De novo Assembly of SOLiD Sequence Reads
- Paired Read Assembly
- De Bruijn Assembly
- Whole Genome
- Transcriptome Analysis
- RNA-Seq Analysis with NextGENe Software
- ChIP-Seq Analysis
- Processing IonTorrent Sequencing Data
- Amplicon Sequence Analysis of ION PGM data with NextGENe
- 16S Bacterial Identification
- Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE)
- Small RNA<
- Bar-Coding
- Deep Sequencing
- Target Sequencing Analysis
- Alignment of Paired Read
- Human Identity Analysis
- Using NextGENe software's Pipeline Automation Tool
- Demultiplexing Illumina® MiSeq™ Data
- IonPGM PE Alignment
- Ion AmpliSeq
- Ion CFTR Analysis
- Analyzing Sequence Data from GS GType Targeted Sequencing of Leukemia-Associated Genes using NextGENe® Software
- Finding Causative Mutation Candidates in Rare Disease Studies using NextGENe's Variant Comparison Tool
- NextGENe CNV Detection- Dispersion and HMM
- NextGENe Batch CNV - MLPA Replacement
- HLA Analysis with NextGENe® Software
- Working with Circular Reference Sequences in NextGENe® Software
- Somatic Mutation Analysis from Whole Exome Sequencing Data with NextGENe® Software
- Mutation Detection and CNV Analysis for Illumina Sequencing data from HaloPlex Target Enrichment Panels using NextGENe Software for Clinical Research
- NextGENe® Software Analysis of Solid Tumors and Hematological Cancers Using RainDance ThunderBolts™ NGS Panels
- NextGENe® Software Analysis Using the NEBNext Direct® Cancer Hotspot Panel
- Highly Sensitive Somatic Mutation Detection from Biopsy Samples with Deep Sequencing using NextGENe® Software
- Sensitive Aneuploidy Detection (SAD™) Tool
- Integrating NextGENe® Software with Pathway Studio for Differential Gene Expression and Biological Pathway Analysis
- Fragile X
- AneuploidyAnalysis GeneMarker software AppNote
- Capillary Tilling
- DatabaseSearching KinshipAnalysis
- Genotype Merge Tool
- GM Kinship Analysis
- Haplotype Analysis
- New Technology Size Calling
- Microsatellite and Pedigree Technical Note
- Yale AFLP Analysis comparison
- MLPA Luminex
- SBE-SNaPshot™
- SNPlex™
- SNPWave®
- Trisomy
- Clustering Algorithms
- Analysis of MegaBACE™ Data with GeneMarker® Software