ChimeRMarker® software is a biologist-friendly genotyping program with additional tools to assist researchers with STR analysis for Chimerism and Maternal Cell Contamination. The program is compatible with all capillary electrophoresis instruments Including, but not limited to: ABI®PRISM, Applied Biosystems® SeqStudio, Hiachi High-Tech Compact CE Sequencer DS3000, Promega Spectrum Compact CE Systems and Syntol Nanophore® 05 genetic analyzers and is a powerful alternative to GeneMapper®Fragment Analysis Software. In addition to accurate size calling algorithm options and a flexible panel editor, ChimeRMarker software includes User Management tools. User Management provides control of user access rights, automatically generates an audit trail of all edits to genotyping projects, and is used to customize the Organization and Operator fields in the header of comprehensive chimerism reports.
Complete Audit Trail

Figure 1: User management provides a complete audit trail of any edit made by the authorized user, including the time, organization, user ID, operation performed, and current and original values.
Customized Header of Final Report

Figure 2: This enlarged header displays information from user management (Lab name and Identification of the individual that performed the analysis. Access rights are selected for each user and provide assurance that authorized individuals have access to the appropriate functions in the software.