CODIS Reporting and Customizable Reporting to meet laboratory LIMS requirements
GeneMarker® HID human identity software can perform STR analysis on over 1,000 lanes of data in seconds, saving significant analysis time and cost. GeneMarker® HID software is compatible with output files major capillary electrophoresis systems (including ABI®PRISM, Applied Biosystems SeqStudio™, Hiachi High-Tech Compact CE Sequencer DS3000, Promega Spectrum Compact CE Systems and Syntol Nanophore® 05 genetic analyzers, Rapid DNA systems (such as RapidHIT™-ID, RapidHIT™ and ANDE®) as well as custom primers or commercially available chemistries including but not limited to those from Promega, QIAGEN and Thermo Fisher. Reporting options include files compatible with PG software such as MaSTR™, STRMix™ and EuroForMix.
The user-friendly interface enables forensic analysts to easily bulk print reports, customize viewing/editing preferences by individual color or all-color-browser, and format reports to fit the work flow and SOP of the individual laboratory. Report types include options for printed allele reports, spread sheets for import into LIMS, automated CODIS compatible export, and mixture, database search, kinship, and paternity statistics tables.
Examples of reporting options are displayed below in figures 1 - 3.
Customize the Allele Report to conform to the Laboratory Requirements

strong>Figure 1: Wide range of choices in the Print Report Dialog Box enables labs to customize the print allele report to meet their specifications. This example has omitted the Peak Table and Dye 5.
Automated CODIS Format Export

Figure 2: GeneMarkerHID software has an Export CODIS tool that automatically formats the results of all files that satisfied the analysis parameters in a CODIS format (.cmf files).
Peak Table Option for Report Column Customization

Figure 3: Allele report tables are easily customized using selections from the Report Settings Dialog boxes. The allele report table may be saved as a .txt tab delimited file or an .xls spread sheet.