Clinical Research Applications using GeneMarker MTP software
MS-MLPA®/a> |
Fragile X | Trisomy/Aeuploidy |
SNapShot® | Haplotype Analysis from Familial Data |
- Save cost when there are not enough samples from a single chemistry to fill a CE plate. Include up to six different chemistries on the same CE Plate
- Rapid turn-around time by importing six full CE plates, automatically sorting into chemistry specific projects and analyzing each project - 576 samples in approximately 35 seconds
- Increase efficiency with simultaneous analysis and review when two or more PCR kits are required per patient
Examples of analyses that may require two separate kits include: MRC Holland MLPA kits - DMD P034 and P035, FANCA P031 and P032; or Trisomy kits: Aneufast™ QF-PCR Kits S1/S2, MXY, M21, M18, M13; CyberGene ChromoQuant® 311, 313, 318, 321, 330, 412; Devyser® Resolution QF PCR or Compact QF PCR, Devyser® Extend kits for chromosomes 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 22 and XY; GenProbe Elucigene® QST*, QST*Rplusv2, QST*R-XYv2, QST*R-13, QST*R-18, QST*R-21. GeneMarker MTP is compatible with commercial and custom chemistries; CE output files from genetic analyzers (including ABI®PRISM, Applied Biosystems SeqStudio™, and Promega Spectrum Compact CE Systems) and Windows® 7-10 operating systems.
Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Chemistry Kits…..All Genotyping Applications
Trademarks property of their respective owners Research Use Only
MLPA® is the registered trademark of MRC Holland