Create Customized Reports for NGS analysis results
NextGENe software includes the capability of customizing analysis reporting of data from all NGS sequencing platforms including Illumina iSeq, Miniseq, MiSeq, NextSeq, HiSeq, and NovaSeq systems, Ion Torrent Ion GeneStudio S5, PGM, and Proton systems as well as other platforms. This tool allows each facility or laboratory to select and report only on the analysis and quality control metrics of particular interest. Data can easily be exported to LIMS or saved electronically in .pdf format.
Customized reports are created using the Summary Report Tool in NextGENe software. Reporting options include both analysis results and quality control results in a single PDF. The Tool permits creation of a custom header including analyst, reviewers, and project-specific comments, inclusion of run statistics, multiple QC charts detailing coverage and tables identifying failed Amplicons. Report can include listing of variants with annotation and prediction scores.
The Summary Report can be set up either prior to or following processing of your samples. The new reporting capability streamlines the analysis pipeline while affording desired flexibility. Reporting configurations can be saved and easily applied to subsequent analysis projects. Report configuration is a simple matter of pointing and clicking on the required report elements, no scripting is required.
Application Notes:
Pricing & Trial Version:
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