GeneMarker® The Biologist Friendly Software
GeneMarker® software is unique genotype analysis software which integrates new technologies that enhance speed, accuracy and ease of analyses.
The biologist-friendly software is an excellent alternative to: Applied BioSystems GeneMapper® software, or MRC Holland's Coffalyser.Net software. GeneMarker software is compatible with output files from all major sequencing systems, including ABI®PRISM, Applied Biosystems SeqStudio™, and Promega Spectrum Compact CE Systems genetic analyzers, as well as custom primers or commercially available 4-6 dye chemistries. GeneMarker software's Windows® based operation simplifies analyses for clinical and basic research in agriculture/wildlife applications. GeneMarker software is compatible with Windows® Operating Systems that are within Microsoft Extended Support.
Application Notes:
- Repeat Expansion Diseases HTT, DMPK, ALS
- Fragile X
- AneuploidyAnalysis GeneMarker software
- Trisomy
- Haplotype Analysis
- SBE-SNaPshot™
- Microsatellite and Pedigree
- DatabaseSearching KinshipAnalysis
- Genotype Merge Tool
- Replicate Comparison Tool
- GM Kinship Analysis
- Clustering Algorithms
- Capillary Tilling
- New Technology Size Calling
- Yale AFLP Analysis comparison
- Introduction to GeneMarker software
- Creating Custom Panels
- MLPA® Analysis
- Aneuploidy/Trisomy Analysis
- Relationship Testing and Cluster Analysis
- Merging two or more multiplexes for greater resolution of dendrogram
- Fragile X Analysis Using GeneMarker software
Case Studies:
- Breaking up Dogfighting Rings, One Swab at a Time
- How a Conservationist uses GeneMarker® Software to Protect Birds in Brazil
- How One Genetics Lab Monitors the World’s Wildlife Crimes using SoftGenetics’ GeneMarker® Software
For more information, please contact
MLPA® is the registered trademark of MRC Holland